Purchased Milescraft 4011 8" ClampSquares with a set of clamps, Milescraft 4009 FenceClamps β Versatile, Silver, I made a square frame on 4 sawn wood ends 45 degrees 1 /2" thick, everything fitted perfectly, I could use a nailer and glue to compete with the job. looks easy and gives the best results. Here is my experience with other products: I ordered these products after I a Quick-Jaw 90 degree elbow clamp for welding, woodworking, a photo frame from Harbor Freight with a quick connector (which you can find on Amazon from several brands - most likely made by in China) it was difficult to flatten it get as the jaws tend to lift the wood when you push to set it in. One I used was a nail puller (18G A) which split the 2 parts.