To be honest I didn't expect this bag to be of such excellent quality considering the price. I've seen several hundred dollar bags in stores that didn't match the quality of this bag. The leather on the outside is just great - the color is uniform, beautiful, rich; processing is great. The interior reflects the same superb craftsmanship and attention to detail. This is a large wallet that can fit a lot. The only caveat is that you don't overload the spacious cabin, otherwise the bag will become too heavy to carry comfortably for long periods of time. Last weekend I used it as a carrier for my iPad, Kindle and phone as well as all other normal stuff. No problem posting anything. After taking out the electronics, I used it like a regular shoulder bag that fit under my arm very comfortably. It comes with an extra shoulder strap so I think it can be used as a crossbody bag. I have received many compliments on this bag and may buy another one as a gift for my sister who has fallen in love with it.
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