Well I ordered this connector for a small LCD panel in my office despite some negative safety reviews, expecting the one in the photo to get it is a lower profile than others that were available from Revain. This is the only reason I ordered it and could have bought any other that had better reviews. Well I got it in one day which was great and unexpected but IT IS NOT AS LOW AS THE PICTURE SHOWS and looks like a Tripp Lite plug which is a bit longer about 1cm which isn't much seems to be but if you have a Flat Flat Wall Mount that you want to tilt, 1cm makes a difference in tilt angle, see another review/pics here with pics comparing the two in length. I even went to the C2G website and they show a low profile fork, same stock number and all, and mine came in a C2G bag. So I'll give it a try although a shorter plug would be better but I'm wondering if they use a different supplier as they had problems with a different design and it might be a better quality cable. Let's see how he holds up. However, please note that if you order through Revain you may receive a different cable than the one pictured. I'm only giving 3 stars because based on the photos and other reviewer comments I didn't get what I expected. If everything goes well with the installation, I might come back and give it 4 stars, we'll see.