The size of this camera is perfect for my 6 year old granddaughter's hands. It's lightweight yet durable and can be dropped because let's face it, kids do drop things! The package was so cute, it was already in the 'gift box' and all I did was attach a cute gift tag to the box and it looked so cute. The box contains the camera (we got the blue one because it's the same color as her favorite princess's (Elsa) dress. Also includes a cable to connect it to a computer, a memory card (micro) and a USB drive as a lanyard for carrying of the camera (if you want to wear it around your neck. It was a hit and the photos look pretty decent when we put them on the computer. I would buy it again. I think it's one of my favorites. The features of these small camera is how light it is because it is very easy to carry and "worn like a necklace".