It's such a shame because I really wanted to like this dress! The design and colors are great but the dress is just bad quality. First off my daughter is 21 months old and still fits comfortably in the standard 18 month size of most brands but I ordered a 18-24m size to stay fit. secure page. I had to order 12-18m because the dress was too big. The length is normal, but the bodice of the dress is too loose. Standing still looks good, but it's not going to happen (I mean, well, she's a baby lol). The skirt has very noticeable seams on the sides where you can see the tulle is sewn together. This is forgivable as the dress moves well and is so beautiful that most people would hardly notice this detail but the real problem is that this dress literally fell apart while I was putting it on her. The zipper came halfway open when I closed it. I thought maybe it could be salvaged because the hanger on the back is actually a large detachable pin. So I tied the back with a bow and it worked well and you could hardly tell. She took only two steps, and then the loop fell off the needle, leaving a blank metal circle in the center of a gaping hole in the fabric. To top it off, the skirt was wrinkled when I took it out of the box and when I tried to straighten it *very gently* the fabric tore like tissue paper. The dress is beautiful but a waste of time. I would say you get what you pay for but I have bought many dresses at this price point that were of a much better quality and at least survived the initial fitting.
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