I bought three of these bags hoping they would look like other bags I've bought in the past. They are incredibly light and soft. The biggest disappointment is the metal frame that holds the bag in shape and hangs clothes. It's a very light wire (think of the wire used in cheap hangers) that bends easily. I was moving clothes from one of my current garment bags, but had to stop when it was about half full because the new bag just couldn't handle the weight of the heavy coats. Likewise, the plastic body is incredibly thin and light. I have been very careful not to stretch or tear it because I see that a little force and I will have a hole. I'm sure a hungry mouse would easily gnaw a hole in the plastic. All in all, these bags are a disappointment. They were cheap and that was good, but I'm pretty sure I'll have to replace them in six months or a year. One of the problems with buying things like this is that the descriptions and photos all shine, but without knowing the thickness of the materials it's impossible to know how it will work in practice. I gave this three stars because the price is so low but you get what you pay for. I need two of these to store what I keep in a better quality bag and I'm not sure it will hold up over time.
Heavy Duty Commercial Grade Clothing Garment Rack With Top Rod And Shoe Storage, 45.7 X 15.7 X 57.1 Inches - Black
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Xiaomi Suitcase, Polycarbonate, Support Legs on Side Wall, Reinforcement, 36 L, Size S, Gray Stars
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24 Giant Tubular Plastic Hanger - Super Duty, 24 Hangers, Proudly Made In The USA!
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2 Pack Foldable Large Storage Bags 28 X 20 X 12 (L X W X H) Inch For Comforter Quilt Blanket Clothes With Clear Window & Handles - Easy To Fit King Size Comforter Set - Closet Under Bed Organizer
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MaidMAX Storage Bins 12X12X12, For Home Organization And Storage, Toy Storage Cube, Closet Organizers And Storage, With Dual Plastic Handles, Black, Set Of 6
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CleverMade 16L Collapsible Plastic Shopping Baskets - 3 Pack, Charcoal - Foldable & Reusable With Handles For Easy Storage
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Set Of 8 Royexe Storage Cubes With Dual Plastic Handles - Foldable Fabric Bins For Closet Organization And Drawer Storage - Light Grey
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