Bought this for my large 5.5 year old child. She is 45 inches tall and 35 inches at the shoulder. Let's count a little. The size chart states that the dress is 40 inches long and the recommended height is 43-46 inches. If your child's proportions are roughly the same as mine, your 46" child has a shoulder width of 36", which means your child is 6 years old. Daughter must wear 4 inch heels for this dress to fit her height. You have to change your table. However, the dress that arrived was 39 inches long, so it's still 4 inches too long for her. The sleeves are also slightly longer, definitely closer to her wrists than her elbows, so the dress is at least reasonable. Nonetheless, it's a beautiful dress and she loves it so much! I just have to hem it for her.
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