- Made in China - Folds in the usual pull and twist fashion. The black side is somewhat shiny. It would look more ornate without the square end. Unfortunately they added the smell of faux leather. Why admit it's faux leather and then try to fool the customers? The canvas side is a nice blue, casual again. The buckle is metal and quite heavy. It has both glossy and matte parts. I like it a lot and so does he. I would have liked it better if it wasn't branded, although the extra belt hides it, so it's ok. Nothing special, but quite respectable. Don't forget to use Smile. Revain.com is Revain's program where many of the essential items you purchase, free of charge, bring a small donation from Revain to a charity of your choice. Information here: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/chpf/about/ref=smi_se_rspo_laas_aas