So I bought this bag because my Xs Max is a bit too big to hold with one hand. First, let me say that I wasn't expecting much from this case given the price range. Usually any case under $10-15 is bullshit. The case itself is really nice. The quality of the plastic and rubber parts is really good, they feel good in the hand and will probably survive rough handling and falls. The ring is actually completely useless. Out of the box, the ring is strong enough to stay in place if you move it. However, under the influence of weight or pressure, the ring simply collapses. It's completely useless, like any stand. It is uncomfortable to hold in hand as the ring does not stay in place. If you are looking for a relatively durable transparent case with a broken ring, then this is your best option! I haven't tried the magnetic vent mount as I don't have one, so I can't comment on the quality of the magnet. But in principle, this cover is a big mistake. UPDATE: After using the case for a few days I found that it is indeed very strong and durable. The corners are turned up, the border around the screen is nice too. Overall, the case itself looks great, is easy to grip and offers space for a lanyard. The reason I'm updating the rating from 1 to 4 stars is because I've found that I can actually use the ring if I spin it to the point where it won't spin and put it down, so I can use it like a stand. So functional but not the best. I still think the ring needs to be tighter or stiffer to move and rotate for it to stay in place on its own. I'm also concerned that over time it will only become weaker and useless. But time will tell. The ring itself is pretty useful, but my only complaint at the moment is that it feels loose. That's the only reason I'm not giving this case 5 stars.
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