Pros: I was impressed with the quality of the canvas - it's soft but feels quite durable. I personally find that it looks aesthetically good even after months of daily use. Cheap compared to other bags. Cons: Adjusting the length of the shoulder strap is unreliable - even if you shorten the strap to your desired length, it slowly slides to full length. Over time it gets worse and very uncomfortable. The side cup/cup pockets have no stretch at all, so they fit no wider than a standard water bottle. Bringing your coffee to work in a mug/thermos is frustrating as you have to carry it around. Eventually, threading one of the front pockets failed and the pocket remained half-attached in the front - so much so that it is now useless as a pocket. If they fixed these very small but very annoying issues I would buy it again. How it is. I would look elsewhere.
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