This bag is only $17 which is a fraction of the cost of other bags of the same size. It's quite large (6 x 10 inches) and holds an amazing amount of stuff. This is NOT real leather, but we already knew that from the $17 price tag, and it feels durable. Even when empty, it retains its shape. The stitching on the front of my bag is very crooked and looks bad. Looks much better in the photo on the Revain. I use it as a swingarm bag, not a windshield bag, so once attached to the bike it's not very noticeable. If I used it as a windshield bag and had to look at the crooked seam all the time while driving, it would drive me insane. The bag does not have any "flip valve" to prevent water ingress. I wasn't expecting it to be waterproof but an attempt to keep water out would be nice. This fills with water when you ride in heavy rain.
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