I received the purple bags and they are a very pretty dark purple colour. They're medium sized and quite strong, but if you put something heavy in them, be careful they don't start tearing from the bottom or the handles. They are very simple and can be used for a variety of things from gifts to placing items to sell in a shop or flea market. They come with tissue paper which is a plus when I buy packages in bulk. They are reusable, but folding them while unfolded will leave a white crease at the crease, so they should be kept flat and not folded. half for storage. They're a bit pricey for such simple thin bags, but the fabric helps make them better value for money. I recently used some of these for a charity event with mysterious items in them that people bought with charity money. I embellished them with bows and put a fun removable event sticker on the front and it worked great.
Set of 2 Large Laundry Bags with Handles and Drawstring in Blue and Beige - Household Essentials/2 Pack
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π Christmas Drawstring Gift Bags: 22PCS Xmas Goodies Assorted Styles for Wrapping Gifts at Christmas Party
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π Set of 3 Jumbo Christmas Gift Bags 36x44 inches - Reusable Durable Fabric with Ribbon & Gift Tag - Ideal for Oversized Toys & Holiday Wrapping - by Gift Boutique
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CCINEE Christmas Giant Wrapping String
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Hallmark Large Black Gift Box with Lid β Perfect for Christmas, Hanukkah & Special Occasions!
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A1 Bakery Supplies Kraft 4x4x4 Inch Brown Gift Boxes - Pack of 10
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π KaCoon Accessories- Large Collapsible Magnetic Gift Box with Long Ribbon, Chic & Simple Style, 14βx9.5βx4.5β, Matte Black, Gift Box with Magnetic Closure
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π Prank Pack - Hilarious Prank Gift Box by Prank-O - Wrap Your Real Gift in a Funny Gag Joke Box, Ideal for Adults and Kids - Toe Tunes Edition
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