I recently purchased a ratchet strap and cannot praise this exquisite accessory. The 35mm wide black leather strap is the perfect choice for any occasion, from a business meeting to a casual dinner. But what sets this belt apart from others is its elegant silver China Dragon automatic slide buckle. The intricate design adds a touch of elegance and sophistication to an already impressive piece. The best part is that the belt is adjustable so it fits perfectly to any waist size. The fit feature is easy to use and I was able to achieve the perfect fit in minutes. The strap is securely fastened for all-day comfort. I wear a ratchet belt to work and get lots of compliments on it. It's amazing how a simple accessory can transform your look so much. I would highly recommend this belt to anyone looking for a quality, versatile accessory that can be worn with any outfit. Five out of five stars!