Good toy for children. My daughter is 10 months old. She has not yet learned how to stand up on her own, but will sometimes push her like a walker. She really enjoys riding it once I put her on it, but then again I still push her to this point because she doesn't understand how to ride it herself yet. I think she'll be riding it all the time for the next few months. The price was great, $20! It makes sounds (key starts ignition, horn, music and conversations) and she loves it. There are 2 volumes of these and from one parent to another they are not terribly loud like many other children's toys. For example, there are 3 learning levels. The first step says "triangle", the second step "red triangle" and the third step "red means stop" so it's progressing with your child's development. The only thing I would like to improve is 1) the seat needs to open to accommodate things like most other toys like this and 2) it would be nice if the steering wheel actually turned to help steer, but they are immobile child must learn. Change direction by kicking off with your feet. Overall I'm happy with this purchase as a first ride on a toy, especially for $20.
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