I used the size chart in the product description. Due to the fact that my head size was on the border between medium and large, I went for a large one. Super fast delivery, arrived as promised. The helmet looks great, but unfortunately it was too small. With great effort I squeezed into the helmet thinking I'd have to call the local fire department to extract my head! In any case, the helmet fits my son perfectly, he loves it! In fact, last night on the way home from work, he called me to test the Bluetooth functionality. The helmet worked great, we struck up a conversation while he was going at city speeds. He said he could hear me perfectly, I hear him clearly, like a bell, and only very faintly hear the hum of his bike in the background. And let me tell you, his bike is loud enough to set off the car alarm in the garage. so it was pretty impressive. His only complaint about the helmet was that even with the vents open, he couldn't feel the airflow when riding at city speeds. As a result, his visor was slightly fogged up, which is easy to fix with an anti-fog. I ended up ordering a size XXL, hopefully it fits my nugget like it should. I will write a review about it when I get it tomorrow. Take care of me, amigos!
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