The bag is great so far. I spent a long time searching between many options by price, reviews from other buyers and characteristics. The current price of around $25 depends on the type of material used, the padding and the number of pockets/space. This was bought to store a hardly used previous generation console. Xbox 360 (Not original. I think it's thin.) The console fits in the space provided, along with two controllers in the accessory pouches, a power supply in an internal detachable case with extra cables, a portal pad and another wired controller. beside him. Closes nice and easy. I put the large headset in my front pocket. Not perfect, but managed. In terms of the current generation consoles, it definitely suits the PS4 Slim and all its essential accessories. It also fits the Xbox One X with all the essential accessories, although it's snug and requires little effort to insert. Pocket. If it were listed for more, say $35+ (which is the average price range for most bags of this type on Amazon), I probably wouldn't think as much of it as I do. To be honest I think I'll be buying another one or two to have PS4 and XBOX ONE X travel cases on hand for real travel. I have a suitcase about the same size but not as deep. On some airlines, they are considered hand luggage and fit under the front seats.
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