The included drywall anchors are useless. No matter what size hole I drilled for the anchor, the ribs on the anchor dug around the anchor and formed a star-shaped hole. It would be nice if the anchor held. The front of the anchor has almost no lip to keep it from falling through the drywall. As soon as I tried to drive a screw in, the slightest pressure on the dowel caused it to push through the drywall. I had to rip out the anchors (making even bigger holes) and use another set of anchors I already had (and therefore drill new holes) to install them. It was a very frustrating setup and I'm still a little nervous about its strength because I was trying to keep it centered in my closet and so may have strayed too far from the original holes so the screws were a little close the first ones were holes (therefore the drywall is weaker than we would like). I'm afraid it will come off the wall.