The watch was bought by my husband as a gift. When selling, the seller did not bother to demonstrate the goods. The husband trusted the "authority" of the brand did not check the goods. When the house was turned on, a factory defect was found in the form of a stain on the strap. I also didn't like the blurry screen. As it turned out later, there is no physical opportunity to look at the screen in the store, since there are dummies on the showcase, and you can turn on the bracelet only after payment. The most interesting thing is that this product cannot be returned, since it is a complex technical device, which the seller modestly kept silent about. The first request for a refund was denied. Now they wrote a second statement and the watch was sent for examination. The official FBontakte group responded to the complaint message with a standard response template and ignored my further requests to contact me. Attempts to call the office were unsuccessful. The tube was either not picked up, or transferred to "nowhere". I really want to leave a claim about the most disgusting customer service, it would seem "premium" brand. If you want to buy yourself hemorrhoids for that kind of money, then welcome to Garmin!
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