Overall, this is a fairly well built keyboard, but it has a few issues to be aware of. Depending on your use case and preferences, this may be acceptable, but ultimately it just wasn't the right device for me. The biggest issue that has prevented me from keeping this is that the keyboard keys are membrane-like and very difficult to type by touch. Sometimes the buttons were unresponsive unless pressed very hard. Ultimately, this might not be a problem for you if you use a lot of shortcuts or create games that don't require fast typing and don't mind it taking a little longer. Unfortunately, for FFXIV, that wasn't acceptable to me. Pros - Connects securely to the controller - Seems to have good battery life - Easy to turn on and off Neutral points aren't exactly bad things, but something to consider - Makes a difference in the way I grip my controller little - the keyboard itself connects via bluetooth, this can be an issue if you have a lot of interference (if other bluetooth devices aren't working properly, they might not be either), but the switch leads me to believe it doesn't is the case) Cons/Oddity - When PS4 is plugged into a controller, the PS4 thinks the mic is permanently plugged in due to the way the interface works - Biggest issue for me: soft cap/membrane buttons