I'll get the negative out of the way. The seat is hard and stiff. It could use some padding to keep little backs and bums cushioned. That is it though, that is my only negative on this stroller.There are three cup holders on this stroller which are great for any outing. The parent tray features a cell phone holder which is great for keeping your phone secure and upright. The baby snack tray is a huge selling point and critical to keeping baby entertained and busy on walks/trips/outings.This stroller is incredibly versatile and can be used not just for jogging, but shopping, the zoo, pool, etc. Despite being a jogging stroller, the footprint is not oversized and you can get around with ease. The tires are actual rubber tires that can be inflated - just like a bike wheel.This stroller rolls and maneuvers as well as my friends much more expensive B.O.B. jogging stroller. The storage basket at the bottom is expansive and accessible from the sides as well as the back. I love how sturdy this stroller feels. The fabrics are thick and durable. The sunshade is awesome and provides total coverage. I have zero disappointment in this purchase. Given the weight limit (50 lbs) I am excited to see this stroller grow with our family.
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