I really like about these bags. Three small ones for a phone camera cover and three large ones for a laptop and similar devices. They work great but I was impressed with how well they were packaged. Supplied in a resealable bag, each size is organized together. I love the peace of mind they offer and appreciate the packaging for easy, organized storage to save on extras. I would definitely order more and would highly recommend them. Not sure how long the sticky stuff will last, but hopefully until I decide to remove it or reuse it. But I plan to remove them.
π· Slim Laptop Camera Cover, Ultimate Webcam Shield for Mac, iPhone, Surface - 3Pack
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Laptop Webcam Cover Slide: Ultra Thin Round Hole Camera Blocker for MacBook, PC & More (3 Black + 3 White)
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Shutter Logitech Protect Privacy Security
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imluckies Webcam Cover Slide - Slim Metal Camera Cover for Laptop, MacBook, iPad, iMac, PC - 6 Pack, Ultra-Thin 0.023 inch, Privacy Protection
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