I bought the wallet in red1 which may have been less intense red than red. The fabric of the handbag also had thin scatterings of sequins. The purse was beautiful to look at, almost reddish-rusty in color, and the packaging was impressive. The interior of the wallet matched the photos and the layout was exactly what I was looking for. The coin pocket fabric crackled - I don't know what material was used between the fabric - but I would have kept the wallet if it weren't for the issues with the credit card slot. I slipped my driver's license into the slot and then tried to slide the first credit card in behind it. He didn't want to go in. I tried again and it went about 1/2 inch (estimate). The next credit card above her slid smoothly into place, sticking out a lot less. He arrived as he should. If I go shopping at a store, I might try another Red1 wallet for similar flaws. Instead, within 30 minutes it was packed and ready for return. If it weren't for the imperfections I would rate it 4.5 to 5 stars (and adjust it later depending on how it's worn).
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