I don't mind paying a little extra for lasting quality. I spent a lot of time and effort looking for the best price and durability. I really thought that was it. But now I doubt the goods in my hands. I was looking for bags for grocery and household shopping. Cotton was a big preference. There are a lot of cheap ones out there. and they are a waste of money. Thin fabric and poor handles are common. Even with heavy bags. Handles are often missing. The good news is they have strong handles sewn to the top of the bottom of the bag. It would be even better, stronger if these handles wrapped UNDER the bag. The bad news... THE BIG BAD NEWS... is that the fabric of the bottom... where load weight and abrasion are strongest…. has less weight than other durable pages! THIS IS A BIG MISTAKE! (Plus it just doesn't make any sense!) DISAPPOINTED…….UPDATE: Trying to contact the manufacturer using the contact on the product label. Invalid site address. Surprise? red flag? Rather disappointed.
Sorbus® 3-Tier Stackable Wine Rack - Classic Style Wine Racks For Bottles - Perfect For Bar, Wine Cellar, Basement, Cabinet, Pantry, Etc - Hold 12 Bottles, Metal (Copper)
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3 Compartment Lunch Box Bento Box For Adults, Kids Food Containers With Flatware Included - Leak Proof Microwave Safe (Champagne)
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Prepara Evak Fresh Saver, Medium-Tall Airless Canister With Black Handle, 2.3 Quart, Clear
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2 TB External HDD ADATA DashDrive Durable HD650, USB 3.2 Gen 1, red
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TerraKing Leaf Bag XL - Heavy Duty Material Collection System For Ride-On Lawnmowers - Fast & Easy Leaf Collection With Nylon Bottom (Fits 3-Bag Hood) [ST95033]
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6 Pack Black Cloth Storage Bins With Leather Handles And Label Holders - Foldable Cubes Organizer Container Basket Drawers For Bedroom Closet Toys Cubby Bookcase, 10.5"X10.5"X11", MXABS06PLP
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Set Of 8 Royexe Storage Cubes With Dual Plastic Handles - Foldable Fabric Bins For Closet Organization And Drawer Storage - Light Grey
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MaidMAX хранилище контейнеры 12X12X12, для домашней организации и хранения, игрушечное кубическое хранилище, органайзеры и хранилище для шкафов, с двумя пластиковыми ручками, черный, набор из 6.
32 Review