As we were traveling I bought this little bag to keep my cords and battery when we were travelling. The large pocket on one end is large enough for a full-size backup battery. The other small slots are great for folded cables and flash drives. It's very pretty and very cute. But as soon as I loaded the bag, I noticed that it was the wrong way round. The large pocket at the top with the zipper must be folded inwards at the bottom. It's counterintuitive to have a big bulky bag on top and that's what I got when I put the battery in. But it actually worked as intended. The clasp doesn't really bother me. it's kind of stupid. To be honest I think velcro would have been better but the fabric is so cute and very strong but I only close the clasp once. Most of the time I just fold it up and put it on the bottom of my luggage. It had most of my cables in it when I took the time to plug them in. But just like with the bag, I basically just dropped the cords on the bottom of my luggage and hopped in the car. plug them in. But just like with the bag, I basically just dropped the cords on the bottom of my luggage and hopped in the car. plug them in. But just like with the bag, I basically just dropped the cords on the bottom of my luggage and hopped in the car.
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