I'm just amazed at the quality of these cables. I accidentally ordered some cables from this company (Is it Disino or Tisino? Amazon doesn't even seem to know what they are if you search.) I'm not exaggerating when I say I believe these cables are actually equivalent or maybe EXCEED highest quality Japanese Mogami cables! FYI, I've made hundreds of yards of instrument and mic cables using Mogami quad Neglex wire and Neutrik connectors. Mogami is considered to be the best cable available at any price. (Unless you're some crazy person spending $1,000 on a single cable with active skin correction.) Somehow, Mogami cables have become available to the consumer market, but it's still not a Mogami quad Neglex. You basically have to make your own cables if you want them. So. I'm a bit of a connoisseur, but I like a good deal. Anyway, I'm in dire need of cables, and I just burned myself buying those expensive "Live Wire" junk cables they're spinning at Guitar Center. Anyway I didn't want to spend any more money on this junk and I noticed that the Disino (Tisino?) cables are in the best possible shape and cheap enough so I bought a few not expecting much. I was basically hoping they wouldn't suck. just as bad as the Live Wire cables, but I didn't expect them to be anything out of the ordinary. I've used dumb live wires (and some Hosa cords, which aren't great but are cheap at least) to hook up some used equipment. The equipment was an old compact audio mixer (1990's I think). and I was unpleasantly surprised that I had almost no headroom from the preamps, everything sounded so shrill that I felt compelled to turn the highs and mids down to the minimum. I connected the mixer to a Mackie srm150 (which I know is a very good and accurate speaker for its size and price range. I used to use a modern audio mixer, my friend had one in the bar upstairs in his club some time and I remember liking it a lot but I thought maybe in the 90's people had lower standards and it was a budget personal portable blender I mean I thought it was supposed to be a blender I did then connected the mixer to the speaker with the disino cable i thought wow the mixer fixed itself how could that be i didn't even think it could be a cable that makes the sound so much better with unnecessary cables mostly live wire or hosa so i needed some more cables and decided to go for more disino or tisino or something else heck that's them here is the actual one he production of the magic is gone. With every cable I replaced, I noticed noticeable improvements in everything from greatly increased headroom (pre-distortion) to spectral fidelity (I no longer felt the need to crazy balance each channel) to increased power transfer. Before disino cables came into my life, I cranked the Mackie srm150 to near full volume and gain (150 watt class D speakers, so it should be loud enough to be obnoxious at full volume). I even wondered if the speaker was defective or maybe the Mackie had lowered their quality standards. but why would they change the old sleep mode to make it even worse? Well, now I turn up the gain and volume on the speaker by about a quarter for normal listening. This has always been my usual experience with these speakers when using Mogami wires. lousy wiring literally blocked 3/4 of the signal from the speakers! That's even better. yesterday I used one of the cables to connect the device directly to the speaker. Now I was absolutely amazed! Using a device I am familiar with, I connected it directly to a speaker that I have used regularly for ten years (same model). I know the characteristics of this speaker very well. I'm listening to an album that I've heard maybe a thousand times in the last ten years. Good music, do yourself a favor and go to archive.org and download the discography the artist has provided for free. You can also get albums from Bandcamp and donate if you like paying for things or give money to great musicians. who give away their music for free!) And I hear details in every tune that I've never heard before. That's why I say these cables might even be better than Mogami. and for this price there is no point in buying anything else. At this point I would only buy a Mogami if I needed to hook up an entire studio or in another situation where I need a lot of custom length cables. Otherwise I take Disino or Tisino or whatever. until the Chinese figured out how to play vinyl straight into my synapses with their crazy Chinese magic!