The controller works fine and was a bit dirty when I received it. This did not affect the stars I gave this item, but I caution anyone who purchases this to play Minecraft or any other game that doesn't support its own controller capabilities: find software that lets you play PC games can play with this controller. Microsoft has free programs that will make your computer recognize the controller, but getting your game to recognize it is a different story. I got infected with viruses while trying to find suitable programs for this controller, namely: motioninjoy and joy2key. Minecontrol in Java works decently (for Minecraft), but Java gives me a lot of bitter warnings that Java doesn't promise security when using Minecontrol and will soon stop supporting its addon. The only supposedly good virus-free program that redirects keyboard control to mouse and keyboard was $8 a few months ago and is $9 now. ( So be prepared to shell out a decent amount of money to use a controller. I mean Minecraft was about $26.95, the controller (with tax/shipping) was $30 more, and now I need an xpadder? I don't want to jump through hoops with my wallet anymore. If I get a virus from Minecontrol, I just settle for the keyboard.
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