I am currently looking for work in China, with Joblab as my search tool it was able find me jobs fairly easily within one week of applying! They really have great service at every level from finding you relevant candidates all way up until taking them over once offered or hired onto your team by HR etc.. No problems just be patient they will come round eventually :). Some people don't like sharing their personal details but i think job lab are very clear about what information needs releasing when so even if this takes some time initially its well worth giving then another chance before deciding whether there's something wrong somewhere? Get started now while everything works - we were getting around 200 applicants each day using other sources which slowed down hiring process considerably. I like the way it connects employers with candidates. It's easy to find jobs and post them, and it's also easy to find people who are looking for jobs. The only thing I dislike about this site is that it can be slow sometimes. Sometimes it takes a long time to load up after you've posted an ad. But overall I like how it works. I don't think there's anything else I dislike about it. So far so good. I'm just trying to get my foot in the door of working in the field I want to work in.