Yes, this is a replica GoPro camera. Is there a quality difference? In my experience (I've used both), no, there's not much of a difference. There might just be a few odd grammatical errors in some of the settings menus, but otherwise this camera makes a lasting impression. It comes with more than enough hardware to mount the camera to just about anything you want to mount it to. I have a mount on the outside of my car, inside the car, and a few more mounts left over. One will soon be riding my longboard and the other probably a bike. The kit includes two batteries and a charger that can charge both at the same time with a micro USB cable (included). The power adapter that plugs into the wall is NOT included, which is perfectly normal as there are quite a few (at least for me) of those. Using this as a dash cam allows you to record without a battery, although I don't recommend it as you can corrupt the video files by turning off the car before saving the video at the end of the drive. (I'm not sure if that's true yet.) Overall, I highly recommend this camera if you don't want to spend more money on a GoPro but want something of comparable quality. I will be posting footage of this amazing camera as an update to this review soon.