They seem to be made for people with thin legs. I believe these are women's shoes sold as men's shoes. I ordered a size and a half and they were still too tight and barely long enough. Something is wrong here. I've been doing sports for decades and used to be able to order my usual shoe size for every sport. Something is wrong when you need to order a different size than usual and there are no large sizes. By the way, I don't know any footballers with "narrow" legs. There is actually something wrong with many manufacturers. I wear them all the years. Now I can't trust any of them. Don't know where all the skinny legs exist for them? Women? Never land again? Do they really expect their non-leather materials to stretch that much? Some billionaire south of the equator should have made some cleats or peat shoes for real feet. I would buy these. Never again up to size 11 is size 11 and not narrow.