My wife and I went through everything to get our wedding photos (it took the photographer over 8 months). When we finally had all of our photos, we ordered this album to show them off. Unfortunately we were very disappointed with this order. It arrived damaged, which we just put up with, although it's not perfect. When my wife put the photos into the album, we found that there were actually only 492 photo covers, not 504 as advertised. I was expecting a weekend of fishing and fun here and now my wife has locked me out of the house. because she can't fit the last 12 photos into our new ruined album. It's 100 degrees outside and I'm tanning slightly. Horseflies and aggressive moths can be found here. I've formed an SOS signal out of rocks, but I'm afraid it won't be seen by passing pontoon planes. I've tried placating my wife with promises of luxury cruises and diamond rings, but she has simple desires and the only thing that can help. Help to finally exhibit these godforsaken pictures.
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