Not bad for the price. The handles of the car seat are kinda hard to move because of the red buttons.the stroller is better quality than the car seat but I really didn't want to pay lots of money for an infant seat that she's only going to use for a few months. I figured I'll spend more on the next car seat and I'll then buy one that converts to a booster or something. The front wheel of the stroller is not my favorite as it doesn't turn very easily.kinda like a bycicle. The normal strollers are better for smaller places. I plan to buy an umbrella stroller when she can sit up by herself or at least have better control of her head. I do love being able to put the car seat right into the stroller. If you go somewhere for a walk and the baby falls asleep in the car seat you don't have to wake her up to transfer to the stroller. The big tires were a must for my husband. He really wanted a jogger stroller even though he doesn't jog or anything lol but I'd better for going to the park etc.
👶 Удобный аксессуар для коляски City Select: питательный столик для ребенка Baby Jogger в черном цвете.
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👶 Грушко ФастЭкшн Фолд Джоггинг Строллер, Готэм: Эффективная и Удобная Коляска размером 40x24x42 дюйма (Упаковка из 1 шт.)
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👶 Фантомный детский колясочный джоггер Baby Trend Expedition - Поддерживает до 50 фунтов
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👶 Удобный бордюр для ребенка Baby Jogger для City Mini 3W, City Mini GT, Summit X3 Stroller.
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🐝 Детский рюкзак Littlelife Bumblebee AnimalToddler
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Infant and Child Adjustable G Tube Feeding 👶 Tube Pillow Belt Pad with a Cutout for Tummy Time
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Stroller Accessories Babyzen Footrest Extension
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Удобные адаптеры для детских колясок Baby Jogger/Graco для автокресел City Select и City Select LUX в черном цвете - идеальное путешествие для новых родителей
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