Good afternoon I bought three of these chandeliers at the same time in an apartment just over a year ago. The other day, one of them blew up. Here's what happened: The chandelier began to work only in the moon mode. Resetting settings doesn't help. Began to understand. Opened the cover, there are 3 burned out LEDs. To check whether the driver / brains themselves are working, or if it’s just the LEDs, I pulled out the driver and put it in a working chandelier (it would be better if I didn’t do these experiments). When turned on on the second chandelier, everything blinked and 3 LEDs also immediately burned out. The chandelier also began to work only in the moon mode. Mdaa. Fortunately, in the chandelier, the LEDs in a circle are made by three strips-sectors, which are interchangeable. I re-sorted the working planks, restored the second chandelier. Conclusion: something has broken in the driver / brain circuitry, which apparently gives an excess voltage to the LEDs. And after the combustion of three or more LEDs, some kind of protection unit is turned on, which does not allow full light to be connected, only the moon and backlighting work. Here is a story / statistics on one of the three lamps. I bought one batch from a well-known store in Hong Kong. I searched for replacement components on the Internet, but to no avail. It turns out that it is not repairable. Comments on what can be done to bring the driver/brains back to life are welcome. I had no problems connecting to the application or wifi, as they wrote in the comments. A normally purchased remote-twist-dimmer is also used.
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