I originally ordered the exact same shoe from adidas.com for the same price. Unfortunately, the shoes I ordered from adidas.com were half a size too small and sold out. They were on sale and it looks like Adidas will be phasing out this particular shoe. However, I liked the shoes and was determined to buy a pair, so reluctantly bought them despite the reviews. Yes, these shoes look real at first glance, but they are actually FAKE! I have seen and tried on both these fake and real adidas shoes. I could make a long list of how fake and poor quality these shoes are. I wish I could do a direct comparison to save people from making a bad buy. Don't waste your time!
Women'S Low Wedge Flat Shoes With Adjustable Ankle Strap Buckle And Pointed Toe - DailyShoes
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Women'S Winter Warm Snow Boots, Fur Lined Ankle Waterproof Shoes
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Stay Dry And Stylish With DKSUKO'S Women'S Short Rain Boots - Perfect For Outdoor Work And Garden Activities
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Women'S Hip Pull On Boot With Memory Foam Cushionaire
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IDIFU Women'S IN4 Classic Pointed Toe High Heels Pumps Wedding Shoes Office Dress Shoes
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Stunning Satin High Heels With Bow Ankle Strap For Women'S Evening Party, Dance And Wedding
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Elegant Satin Peep Toe Mid Heels With Rhinestone Accents For Women'S Evening Prom And Wedding
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Elegant Wedding Evening Dress Pumps For Women: IDIFU Women'S Maxine Low Kitten Heels With Closed Toe, Perfect For Formal Occasions And Brides
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