I like how well they can get us to understand what we are trying to accomplish with our server storage requirements. They can provide guidance as far as sizing goes, but their products all do a great job. We have had great success overall with them over time building up relationships/working together. The most recent project was about getting us ready for migrating from EMC SANs to HP StorageWorks (HPSW) array. For this reason alone, there really isn't anything specific to dislike at this point, other than having more options available if you need it instead of just using just one product line. We have used Sanity Services over the last few years to design, build and manage our SAN infrastructure. They are always responsive and professional. Nothing really - they just get it done right every time! I would highly recommend them. It has been an ongoing relationship with us since 2007. Their team of engineers and technicians have built out many different types of Storage Area Networks (SANs) for various clients.