I am very happy with this purchase for my granddaughter's fifth birthday. You and your friends love it. It is very durable. Children not only sit on it and pretend to ride it, they ride it with their feet on the parquet floor or push each other. Seems well done. I found children pulling each other's tails and reins. I'm closing it, but I mention it because he withstood the insult, although I'm sure that would not have happened in the long run. It's actually nicer than I thought from the picture and I'm very happy with how soft the fur is. I'm impressed that his head and neck are strong yet soft and flexible enough to hug perfectly and move realistically when pulling on the reins. He whinnies very cutely when you move his neck and snorts like a horse when you pet his nose. Children didn't use conversation or song very often when patted on the ear, but I wasn't impressed with the voice - a good idea, but not a very well executed one. The hair is beautiful and the girls love it but it gets tangled very easily so we're hoping to figure out what product we can use to help with that. It arrived with a slightly broken horn on one side, but that was easily fixed with a little fiddling, which included pushing the stuffing out a bit.
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