I bought a toddler party costume for my three year old son in preparation for Christmas. It arrived on time but the quality of not only the shirt but the tie was terrible and insulting for the price of this item. When I tried it on my son and tried to unbutton the shirt, the threads came out from under the seams of the buttons and around the neck! Despite the fact that this outfit was well packaged, ironed and possibly starched, there was a barely noticeable stain on the front of the shirt and the tie literally fell apart in my hands trying to put it on my son. My son has many of these ties from other places that have never fallen off like this. The only good thing I can say about this outfit is that the pants fit well and there were no problems with them. I just couldn't justify keeping this outfit at the price just for the pants. I really wanted to love this costume and the colors were really amazing, too bad the quality was incredibly poor. If you don't mind buying a product that falls apart, maybe even before you put it on, give it a try. As for me I will order Nautica suits again which are cheaper and amazing quality.
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