My daughter loves the dress! She specifically requested a snowflake Christmas dress and we love the matching scarf. My daughter is six years old so I ordered size 7. It comes down to her knees and is big enough in the middle if she wants to wear a shirt under her dress and do without the scarf, it fits under a tank top but not that big he floated on her without a tank top. 2 things that were a bit "oh that's a bit too bad" were 1. I would say the colour, while the red is more like a red/orange color than a true RED, my daughter didn't mind at all 'It just doesn't' It was the Christmas red that I saw in my head. 2. Almost as soon as we opened it, the scarf's tie popped out of the seam on one side. It's just not sewn into the seam tight enough, which happens with the best products. It wasn't a deal breaker though because I was able to reinsert it and sew it back in place, I reinforced the other side just in case. If this happens to you, it's like a level 0 sewing solution and it took maybe five minutes.
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