I have had quite a few BagSmarts over the last few years. All of them are in different configurations. The build quality of the bags has always been top notch. The reason I have so many of these bags is because my travel gear keeps changing over time. I used to pack "kitchen sinksโ when it came to hardware, and over time I've tweaked more and more minimal layouts. Since I travel a lot, the optimization is HUGE for me. The advantage of this bag over my previous BagSmart bags is that, compared to my previous model, it has an outside pocket and an additional zippered mesh pocket. This allows you to quickly access the items in this outer pocket without having a table surface to open the main pockets and worrying about things falling out. Not that you need to worry too much about it as there are plenty of options to attach things inside (mesh pockets, elastic for a cable, etc.). Just 2 mesh pockets in the main flaps, a tablet pocket in the main flap and a row of cable slots. The outer pocket has several small open pockets for storing pens and anything else that needs to be easily accessible. ). Just 2 mesh pockets in the main flaps, a tablet pocket in the main flap and a row of cable slots. The outer pocket has several small open pockets for storing pens and anything else which must be easily accessible. ). Just 2 mesh pockets in the main flaps, a tablet pocket in the main flap and a row of cable slots. The outer pocket has several small open pockets for storing pens and anything else that needs to be easily accessible.
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