Very strong and hard enough not to dent or flatten. It looks like it can handle areas of high humidity and extreme outdoor weather. It's very thin on one side, so you can handle even the slightest wobble. The thickest side is probably only about 1/4", so it probably won't work on a severely uneven surface unless you want to glue multiple epoxies together.
🧊 Grace IceWaterShield Roll
3 Review
Самоклеящиеся вспененные листы из неопреновой резины 6"X6"X3/4", 4 шт. - антивибрационные, изоляционные и шумоподавляющие прокладки
7 Review
🏥 Orthopedic Padding Felt Adhesive: 1/4" Thick 4"x2.5yd, White Roll by Aetna Felt Corporation - Quantity: 1
3 Review
🌿 AHG Садовые сорняки 3 фута x 300 футов Премиум Ландшафтная ткань - Прочность 20 лет, Черная
3 Review