What I like best so far is that each new machine gets better over time until its top of class! Not much more it can be said about this one in terms if what we don't love/like as well would mean not enough business from us :).
That's great news because now customers have confidence too which means increased profitability even higher sales volumes etc....I recommend all other hosts but then you got your own opinion ;):) The thing was just running outta space when working big projects or heavy applications; there were problems related both software & architecture issues together wich brought me troubles at many points while solving them my costs always rose up very quickly making things really unattractive (and also bringing down overall productivity - if anything); sometimes those errors could happen again only months later after switching off host completely...then back onto market trying next provider hoping their product works fine without such mistakes.... I like that we can have multiple instances of different applications running at once without worrying about performance issues or downtime due to outages in other parts of infrastructure (ease). It's not something you'd want if your application is highly sensitive data but it works great otherwise! We use brightboxes as an easy way to spin up new environments when needed quickly so there isn't much else left here from me - just make sure they're set correctly before using them :).