Out of 4 ATVs, 2 had problems upon arrival. Tinyhawk S is almost the same and has the same problems. Tethering can be a problem, setting up Betaflight can be a problem, setting up a video transmitter is a problem. After these problems it's a lot of fun, lots of power for 1s and almost too much for 2s. Camera picture is great, range is ok, this thing is AF HEAVY, expect it to break the insides before you break the outside. A NOTICE. Problems with THIS ATV are COMMON on both cheap and expensive ATVs. Expect a little patience and lots of technical skill. You can eventually learn how to solder, how ESCs, FCs work, what motor sizes mean, how to use lipo correctly, how to fix your quad, this will happen if you don't get $$$ to replace them when you F. LOVE the MY TINYHAWK 2 is like a relationship, a lot of work pays off for a lot :)