I ordered leggings for my 13 year old daughter who is 5ft 2" and weighs 97.4lbs. When she first tried on the leggings she liked the color of the leggings but it just so happened that one of them had a rip which I never would. I would not recommend anyone I know to buy these leggings. While the color was nice, the material was completely different than what I originally expected. Sheer almost sheer fabric which was the complete opposite of what the product picture promised I would not buy again.
Adorable and comfortable Splendid girls' leggings for kids and babies
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Girls' Clothing and Leggings - Govc Winter Fleece Velvet Leggings
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Spotted Zebra Girl's Disney Star Wars Marvel Frozen Princess Leggings: Unleash the Fantasy!
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Slaixiu Leggings Fleece Printing GP777 3P B 130 Girls' Clothing and Leggings
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