I bought 4 of these to try them out. The leaf coverage is vastly varying between the different panels. On a couple of them, they are very sparse. Then a couple of them the leaves are much more filled in. I know it would be a pain to send these back, so I'm making it work and filling in the gaps with other various fake vines and plants to make them look a little more natural.That being said, these are at least an easy and somewhat affordable option for covering up an ugly fence. In my case, I'm covering up a chain-link fence with ugly metal slats. Do these look like real vines? Absolutely not. But from far away they are at least much better than what was there and cheaper than just building a new fence.These are easy to install. They don't include any zip ties, so make sure you have some of those on hand. I probably used about 9 zipties for each of these. They seem pretty secure. Not sure how they will hold up long term. Will update this over time if I notice any issues from sun/wind/snow/etc.I ended up buying some other fake vines/plants to help make these look a little more natural. As is, they definitely don't look as full as the pictures in the listing showed. But I will buy more to finish covering the whole fence since this is at least a better look than what I had going on previously.
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