I mostly commute around town by bike, so I need a waterproof yet stylish bag. I'm confident the bag will keep my stuff dry even in a downpour (although I haven't tested it yet). It also looks cute as a city bag; I didn't want a bag that looked sporty or camping. Also, I'm small, so I didn't need a huge biker backpack to completely shadow my body. The bag fulfilled all these wishes. However, I think if I had seen the bag in person I would not have bought it. The straps are a bit thin and not particularly comfortable (but not entirely uncomfortable). I think I will add a chest strap to make the bag more comfortable when riding. My biggest complaint is that the outside pockets are too small to be very functional. They're all designed to have a low profile, so form comes at the expense of function. The side pockets are a joke. I can put my keys in it and maybe lip balm and it's pretty tight. The outside pocket holds my wallet, phone and pen. Forget the water bottle. It has to be in the main pocket, which is inconvenient because you have to deal with a buckle and a reel. I was hoping to make this backpack my main backpack, but with these minor annoyances, I'm clinging to the old backpack for its convenience and ease of use. My other backpack is pretty cute too and has pockets that I can easily slip my keys or a water bottle in (the side pockets on the FS bag are so small I have to put my keys in). It has rings to attach my helmet, U-lock, bike light, etc. Simply put, I can store and retrieve my stuff easily. A Friendly Swede bag would be nice as an extra bag for those really rainy days, grocery shopping or days when you need a backpack but want it to look cute. I will still use my bag and be quite happy with it, but at the same time it will annoy me a little.
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