This is a super cool bag! It was a rush/luxury for me and I've never seen a bag like this, but turns out it's technically a replica of Issey Miyake's "Bao Bao" bag that costs hundreds of dollars and sold at Saks and the like. I've never seen either of these bags up close so can't tell how they compare, but for around $30 this is a beautiful, cool, unique, roomy and functional bag. I don't think it will last that long so it's more for special occasions for me as I'm more of a purpose built crossbody girl (this one can double as a crossbody if needed by the way, but I've used it as a regular adult over one Shoulder). And by short-lived, I mean the outer tiles can be scratched, warped, or possibly peeled off. I was worried it would be uncomfortable or the tile would stick, but that wasn't a problem. The dog spattered him with mud and he washed himself well. And yes, there's a cool flash feature (including flash and non-flash photos). It's really cool when you're running in the dark and a car is coming your way. I wore it in the pouring rain and crossed the street and I actually stopped traffic with it, it was pretty cool. I also had fun taking it to the wedding and making some photo bombs out of my bag.
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