I doubted the order due to lack of description and reviews. The options available were "Baby" and then "Large Tall" without explaining what "Large Tall" meant when referring to that size. I thought it was worth the gamble for the price. My daughter is 2 years old, about 34 pounds and 36 inches tall. The bathing suit is pretty tight on her which means it fits now, but if she grows at all it won't fit her anymore. The tights fit her well. The skirt was a little tight but that's okay because it helps you stay in place. However, the buttons are very loosely hand-sewn to the skirt and one of them came undone the first time it was worn. I sewed it on with heavier thread so it should be fine now, but there are a few things to consider if you're not going to sew at all. Again, I definitely think it was worth what you get, but it's definitely not big tall. Probably consider this a size 2 for toddlers as my 2 is just flying out and I've seen dancewear run small. The swimsuit is thick and soft and looks very well made. The tights have been worn for 4 dance lessons (a 2 year old mind you) and they have not yet ripped or pinched. They are very soft and appear to be well made. The only quality issue I had was the zippers and I was able to fix that myself and the skirt has still done a lot of good. Danskin Toddler Dance Ballerina Starter Set, Theatrical Pink Combo, Large/Tall In my photos my daughter is wearing this set with Bloch bunny hops and a Magic Town wrap skirt over a Danskin skirt. Bloch Dance Bunnyhop Slipper Ballerinas (Toddler/Little Kid/Big Kid), Pink, 9 D US Little KidMAGIC TOWN Girls Sleeveless Dress Leotard Wrap Skirt (4-6, Tank Pink)
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