We received the black bags, not the advertised white bags. Due to the low inventory of these bags, we have them in stock but wanted consumers to be prepared to receive black bags instead of white. The bags we received look the same except one bag has a drainage hole as shown in the photo and a side pocket for storage. The other bag contained neither. The quality seems very good and durable, the bags fit well and are easy to carry!
32Oz Fidus BPA-Free Water Bottle With Time Marker And Straw For Daily Hydration, Fitness, Gym, And Outdoor Sports - Motivational Design To Encourage Drinking Enough Water
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Bridgestone Blizzak DM-V2 225/65 R17 102S winter
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Collapsible BPA & PVC Free Hiking Water Bottle: Hydrapak Stash For Backpacking Adventure!
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CtriLady Women'S Wetsuit Top - 1.5Mm Neoprene Long Sleeve Jacket With Front Zipper For Water Sports
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ALONEFIRE Offset Flashlight Mount For Picatinny Gun Tactical LED Torch - Sports Outdoors Hunting Fishing Shooting Airsoft Guns Accessories Sights Optics Scope
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OneTigris Tactical Half Face Mask: Foldable Mesh Protection For Women & Teens - 4.5 Inches
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6" Foldable Half Face Airsoft Mesh Mask With Ear Protection And Military Tactical Lower Face Protection By OneTigris
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Hornady Black Diamond By Umarex - Improved Product Name For Enhanced Search Engine Optimization
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