Quality bags! Overall they are the same as described and I have used them to hold almost everything. There are a few items I need to reach every day and so far none of them have snapped or failed in any way. I used a black marker to mark the outside and it works great. But I prefer to use labels. I use self-adhesive labels to identify most of the items I store in them and they stick without coming off. As these bags are a bit heavier I also removed the tag after I had to replace it and once I lifted one of the edges and started pulling it came off fairly easily. The bag itself has not been torn, stretched, deformed or stretched where it was placed. Outside, after sliding in and out of the basket, I need to store multiple packages together. (see picture) BUT the scratches are minimal and normal after prolonged use and I really only notice them in comparison to a new bag. Anyway, the size is perfect for so many things, I didn't even know I needed to keep them in a bag until I did and realized how awesome it is to have my drawers organized like this! I will buy them again but not for long as there are many of them, especially for the price. It might seem silly to say I love them, but I kind of love them because they're so comfortable. I definitely recommend buying these pouches if you're looking for something thicker than the regular type.
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