These children's leggings from Yawn are just great! My granddaughter is a size 5 baby and I bought a size large. They were a bit long but just twisted or curled at the bottom and they were perfect. Waist sits right on the waist. Like many leggings or pants that keep falling down, they stay in the waist and the belt is NOT one of those tight elastic waists. Thalia moves with her. she went to Colorado for Christmas and wore them all the time, wasn't cold. They are heavier weight, high quality leggings that are great for cold fall days, winter and early spring. Washed several times in the machine cold, no complaints, the dryer in cut. I will definitely buy again. Size large for a real toddler 5, runs a little big but I'm sure by the time she's 6 she can wear a size 6 too. I bought purple because it's my granddaughter's favorite color and she was quite purple too.
Adorable and comfortable Splendid girls' leggings for kids and babies
80 Review
IRELIA Girls Leggings Modal Spring Girls' Clothing for Leggings
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ZukoCert Fleece Leggings Cashmere 2P B 130 Girls' Clothing for Leggings
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Kid Nation Unisex Heather Charcoal Girls' Clothing for Leggings
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