There were packages without defects, but there were also some packages of very poor quality. The seams were poorly sewn as can be seen in the attached photos. These photos show different bags in my order. I bought another company's smaller jute lavender bags and they were great quality. The material itself has gotten even better. However, I had to buy a larger size and the company I previously bought from didn't stock a larger size, so I gave this company a try. I am in the process of returning these bags. Maybe I just got a bad batch? But I'm surprised these bags weren't carefully inspected and replaced with better ones when they were packed before they were sent to me.
CCINEE Christmas Giant Wrapping String
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🎁 Deluxe Naughty List Coal Surprise: Plush Red Velvet Jewelry Bag with Genuine Coal & Designer Gift Tag!
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TEVIN suitcase, ABS plastic, support legs on the side wall, 37 l
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Set of 2 Large Laundry Bags with Handles and Drawstring in Blue and Beige - Household Essentials/2 Pack
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🎁 Stylish and Chic Bridesmaid Gift Box - 9.5x7x4 Inches, with Magnetic Lid & Collapsible Design - Ideal for Gift Packaging (Matte White, Grain Texture)
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🎁 Moretoes White Gift Boxes 12 Pack: Versatile Paper Gift Boxes for Various Occasions - Weddings, Bridesmaid Proposals, Graduations, Birthdays, Engagements, and Christmas
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A1 Bakery Supplies Kraft 4x4x4 Inch Brown Gift Boxes - Pack of 10
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🎁 Prank Pack - Hilarious Prank Gift Box by Prank-O - Wrap Your Real Gift in a Funny Gag Joke Box, Ideal for Adults and Kids - Toe Tunes Edition
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